The Sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron
Brauron (/ˈbrɔːrɒn/;Ancient Greek: Βραυρών) was one of the twelve cities of ancient Attica, but never mentioned as a deme, though it continued to exist down to the latest times. It was situated on or near the eastern coast of Attica, between Steiria and Halae Araphenides, near the river Erasinus. Brauron is celebrated on account of the worship of Artemis Brauronia, in whose honour a festival was celebrated in this place. This site includes the remains of a temple, a stoa (colonnaded walkway), and a theatre, providing insights into the religious practices and social life of ancient Greece. It’s significance as a religious and cultural site can be further understood through the exploration of its archeological remains and historical accounts.